Okay devoted readers here is what I have for the pilot study. It starts this week so we'll see how it goes and I'll be sure to update you along the way.
OVERARCHING QUESTION: How does a school’s transition to an inclusionary model impact the broader school culture? How is the policy/concept of inclusion “as a culture” received and enacted across school contexts?
Participants: Teachers
Pilot study question: How can ethnographic data collection techniques help illuminate the culture of select classrooms that are/are not in line with the school’s vision of inclusion at school X during year 1 of implementation?
I. In what ways are inclusive values embedded in your classroom? The school? Or are the values missing here?
Data Collection Method: Informal interviews using grand tour questions-
A. How do you see the norms. climate, rituals, celebrations, problem-solving groups, or just the way we do things around here today as compared to the last two or three years prior?
B. What has changed or stayed the same or different for you as a teacher this year? Your teaching practices? Curriculum? Lesson Planning? Interactions with others outside the classroom? Problem-solving team
-What are the benefits and challenges for you? For students? For families? Your colleagues?
-What are the benefits and challenges for you? For students? For families? Your colleagues?
a. "family": teachers part of co-teaching teams
b. non-family: teachers not part of co-teaching teams (have no children with special education needs in their class)
II. What challenges arise and how are they being negotiated/mitigated?
Data Collection Method: Participant observation & informal interviews
III. What do teacher practices look like?
Data Collection Method: participant observation
A. What does teacher collaboration look like?
B. What does classroom teaching look like?
C. What does student problem solving look like?
D. What are teacher roles?
E. To what extend do you feel SWD are being/feel included (as equal members in the school's culture) today? Their parents? What about peer acceptance?
( note to self: look for signs of whether they as teachers feel included in the school)
Method: Case study using ethnographic techniques
Data Collection:
-Weekly Participant observation
-3 informal interviews
-on-going reflective research diary (noting process)
-3 informal interviews
-on-going reflective research diary (noting process)
Data Analysis: ????????? (I'm still thinking on this one)
-reflexive journal on the effects being immersed into the culture has on data collection
Looks like it will be good. I will say I am learning a lot through this blog. I have to look up lots of the things you talk about before I can actually comment. It is good for me. Example being ethnographic data collection. But now I am in the game. Keep us posted.