
The Power of the Post-It

I would like to take this moment to thank 3M's Art Fry for creating the post-it note.  They hold immeasurable value in my life as a busy doctoral student and mother.  Here are some of the most valuable uses to date:
  1. Documenting random thoughts- I have a lot of these and typically I don't know what to do with them, where to file them in my brain let alone my work, and fear loosing them.  Enter Mr. Post-it.  I write it down and stick it up on my desk.  
  2. Marking favorite sections of a book, magazine, legal hearing, or journal article- OK, I realize this is an oldy but goody trick, but it truly is invaluable!
  3. Organizing my writing- I'm still working on this one, but my thought is if I write down each main theme/argument on it's own post it I can keep rearranging them until the piece flows.  Like a moveable stick-note outline.  I'll let you know if it helps.
  4. Keeping me focused when writing- this is related to #1, documenting random thoughts, but deserves it's own number.  My brain is very interactive when I write and often one topic will cause me to think, almost simultaneously, about another. I used to write it all down in my pieces making the flow seem quite illogical at times.  What I do now is keep a stack of post-its near by (or use the electronic post-it feature of my mac) and write down all the thoughts I have while writing, stick it where I think it might fit and then go back and re-arrange as need be to fill in my piece.  This trick has GREATLY improved my writing and I highly recommend it for people that tend to write/think as a flow of conscious vs. planned out method.
  5. The Sticky Mess- OK, I don't use this one as often, but train schools to use it when planning educational services for kiddos.  Here is what you do- put all the classrooms on the top of a table so each column is a different teacher/period/course.  Then write each child's name on their own post it.  Put each related service provider's name on their own post it. Put each educational support provider/teacher on their own post-it. I like to color code- but that's bc I'm a visual person.  Then move things around until you get a good match between what the child needs and what classroom they are placed in.  It works wonders!
  6. Love notes to my kids- OH yes. Definitely invaluable for a busy mom who is at school for many bed times.  My kiddos love to get mommy love notes in their bed when they awake in the AM after I missed bed time, in their lunch box, or stuck to the bathroom mirror.  The love note opportunities are endless when they stick!  I suppose this could, and should, be used for spouses and great friends.   You see where my priorities lie these days- my poor husband.
  7. To do lists- I get overwhelmed with my never ending list of "to-do's" so the long checklist never worked for me.  A 20-30+ line to-do list causes me unnecessary (and at times crippling) anxiety.  Instead of a list I put each to-do item on a post-it.  Then I get to actually THROW IT AWAY once I've completed it.  Throwing something away provides me with MUCH MORE satisfaction then crossing items off a list that never ends.  It just seems more final.
  8. ADD TO THE LIST WITH COMMENTS- I can't wait to hear how you all use post-its. Please, do share.

1 comment:

  1. You know that I love a good post it note! As a matter of fact, I have one right now sticking to my computer reminding me that I need to go to the post office and the library today. (As if I would really forget to do these things?) I think they just help me organize my scattered mind. I just feel better if I write it down, then share your sense of completion once I am crumbling it up and tossing it into the trash!

    I just want you to know that I love reading your blog. (I wish I could figure out how to have your updates go to my email so that I would know when you post. Do you know how to do that?) I promise I have tried a few times to come up with responses/comments to your posts but shockingly seem to be pulled away from the computer just when I manage to come up with an educated thought. Maybe I should use a post it so that I can remember what it is I wanted to say!

    I do really miss you... I love how you make me think. I have told you before how I agree with your way of thinking about the girls and school, but I just can not seem to step out of the bubble that I live in to challenge tradition. I would not even know where to start? It is so easy to be content with our school system since it is the "best" around, not to mention how convenient it is. Does this make me lazy?
