Barb Writes:
I am writing to share the exciting news that S. 2020, Keeping all Students Safe Act, has been introduced by Senator Harkin in the Senate. This bill represents the strongest piece of legislation to date on this issue, and includes a prohibition of the use of seclusion, an anti-retaliation clause, a provision mandating that only the force necessary for the emergency be used, and a required debriefing session should an emergency that leads to restraint arise. I've attached the bill and bill summary for your use and review.
This bill represents the tireless hours TASH and APRAIS members have invested since 2004 to put an end to these abusive practices, and I am very grateful for your work and for our growing number of champions on Capitol Hill.
A letter of support from TASH to Senator Harkin is also attached. I plan to send this to the Harkin team by 4:00 PM today -- let me know in advance of that time if you have any questions or concerns. Also, please do not hesitate to send letters of support to Senator Harkin from any organizations you are associated with. FINALLY and most importantly:
Now is the time to educate your Senators on the importance of the bill and a request to co-sponsor. The Holiday break (which lasts through January 23) is a great time to meet with the Home District office!! OR, simply call your Senator's office (listed on the website of their office, or at<>) and say:
Please co-sponsor S. 2020, Keeping all Students Safe Act.
Happy Holidays!!
Barbara R. Trader
Executive Director
TASH: Equity, Opportunity, and Inclusion for People with Disabilities Since 1975
1001 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 235
Washington, DC 20036
Thank you for supporting the 2011 TASH Conference!
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