
Old notes to self

I just stumbled upon the following notes to myself. I often am slapped in the face with the reality that I have no systematic thought process. No wonder my writing could use some help- the thoughts that drive it need structure themselves (see previous post on writing). What I find most interesting here, which serves as evidence for my lack of a systematic thought process, is my last dash "-set meeting with ____".

I mean, really!? Where on earth did that come from? If you read the list, I go on and on about getting involved in advocacy, local projects, a need for this and that, and then I remind myself to set up a meeting. I'd have to bet that the said meeting never happened!

-look up and contact local advocacy agencies
-look and contact community leadership projects- get involved
-they have to be here somewhere!!!!!!
-DON'T BE condescending, be equal or lower....it's not your community and you are not the expert!
-but be honest with what's going on in society and what that means
-we need new theories (maybe just mini theories at S&E say) but the public and the academic community in education want answers, numbers and test scores first, but isn't this backward. Won' this just perpetuate the norm, which many would argue is hegemony for the white male????????
-Would in fact thinking of new theories to drive different analysis perhaps be more effective?????
-How do you get buy in for support for this type of work????
-think of def'n of science from Dr. _____ reading this week... look it up and think about that!
-can't we have different
-set meeting with _____

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